
1 07, 2021

Potential dangers with insulation

2021-11-26T14:56:38+10:00July 1st, 2021|Fire risks in roof's|Comments Off on Potential dangers with insulation

Learn how insulation can be a danger to home owners/tradespeople and what to do to avoid. Potential dangers with insulation. Fatalities have occurred to some installers of silver foil (building paper). This could potentially happen to anyone that may gain access to the roof interior of a house. QBIS What to look out [...]

1 07, 2021

Veranda’s without flashing causing seepage

2021-08-19T13:19:14+10:00July 1st, 2021|Deck & veranda problems|Comments Off on Veranda’s without flashing causing seepage

Learn why veranda's need flashing to avoid seepage and rot. Problems caused from veranda's without flashing causing seepage and how to avoid. QBIS. Lack of flashings fitted to veranda's is a common fault that can easily be avoided Seepage will occur from this veranda to the living areas below, this is dependent on [...]

1 07, 2021

Termites & treated timber fallacies

2021-11-26T15:05:58+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Termites & treated timber fallacies

Be aware and don't be conned into believing that termites will not damage treated timber. Misleading fallacies of treated timber & termites. QBIS. Termite damage to treated hardwood retaining wall. A good example of what to expect. This treated hardwood retaining wall was no match against termites and has been destroyed. Termites are [...]

1 07, 2021

Flooding of an apartment garage

2021-09-25T14:42:28+10:00July 1st, 2021|Drainage problems, Flooding & effects, Seepage, Unit problems|Comments Off on Flooding of an apartment garage

Common fault with flooding of apartment garages. What you need to know about flooding of an apartment garage also steps you need to take. QBIS.  Inadequate drainage to garages of apartment complex. The sub-floor level garages of this unit building were below the ground levels on all four sides also below the flood [...]

1 07, 2021

Home sellers inaccurate building report

2021-11-26T15:11:48+10:00July 1st, 2021|Costly "free" seller-vendor inspection reports, High-set vs 2 storey house, Understated Inspection Reports|Comments Off on Home sellers inaccurate building report

Inaccurate building report carried out for a home seller Home sellers inaccurate building report. Problems missed or severely understated by a building inspection service. The inspector was Acting on behalf of a seller and recommended by the agent. QBIS.  Considerable sagging to roof and ceiling: This roof was supported off a binder beam [...]

1 07, 2021

Dangers of retaining wall movement

2021-11-26T15:19:47+10:00July 1st, 2021|Retaining wall problems|Comments Off on Dangers of retaining wall movement

Learn how retaining walls can become a potential danger when using the wrong products in their construction. Retaining wall movement dangers. These unsuitable retaining walls have moved considerably, needing to be removed and replaced. Due to limited access with machinery, replacing them would be labour intensive and very costly. QBIS. Huge bulge to [...]

1 07, 2021

Rusting of building supports

2022-02-13T13:56:05+10:00July 1st, 2021|Rusting supporting columns|Comments Off on Rusting of building supports

Why supports of a building are rusting and what to do to avoid this expensive fault. The importance of knowing what causes rusting of building supports so you know how to stop its re-occurence. What you must understand about building supports and their footings that are two of the most important structural components in [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof rusting from gutter guards

2021-11-26T15:34:49+10:00July 1st, 2021|Gutter guards, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof rusting from gutter guards

Learn how the use of gutter guards can cause rusted roof sheeting and its costly replacement. Roof rusting from gutter guards. These examples were taken from different areas of a roof showing examples of why it is not a good idea to have gutter guards fitted to a corrugated zincalume roof. QBIS. Debris [...]

1 07, 2021

Stump movement and alternatives

2021-11-26T15:43:00+10:00July 1st, 2021|Stump Movement|Comments Off on Stump movement and alternatives

Stump movement and alternatives. Alternatives to stumps that have moved also causes of movement. Packing is often fitted to tops of stumps from movement (since original construction) or incorrect fitting of the stumps. The latter is very unlikely with a house built in the particular era. Neither are good practice. QBIS. Two things [...]

1 07, 2021

Metal tile roof damage

2021-11-26T15:47:51+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Metal tile roof damage

Learn about metal tile roof damage and more suitable alternatives Damage to metal tile roof cladding. A roof with extensive surface deterioration, possibly caused by damage from hail over the years. QBIS.  Severe damage to a metal tiled roof. Some damage caused by age and most likely from hail damage over many years. [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof flashing examples

2021-11-26T15:56:30+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof flashing examples

Learn about roof flashing's. Examples of roof flashing. This is a photo of two flashing's that have been fitted to cover the gap created between the concrete roof tiles and the external brick wall to stop water entry to the house interior.  This is the main purpose of most roof flashing's. QBIS. Stepped [...]

1 07, 2021

Electrical cables fitted dangerously

2021-11-26T16:04:55+10:00July 1st, 2021|Dangerous electrical wiring|Comments Off on Electrical cables fitted dangerously

Dangerously fitted electrical cables and protection with safety switches Can safety switches protect you from dangerously fitted electrical cables? QBIS.  In most cases, highly likely Safety switches must be checked on a regular basis, in accordance with manufacturers requirements. If faulty they must be replaced by a qualified electrician urgently. Never attempt altering anything [...]

1 07, 2021

Rusted roofs around Brisbane

2021-11-26T16:26:00+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Rusted roofs around Brisbane

Rusted roofs and the importance of regular checking. Rusted roofs around Brisbane, problems they can cause, tips on how to maintain your roof and what to look for. These photos show how important it is to employ someone trusted to check the roof exterior. QBIS. Long term problems rusted roof sheeting and inadequate [...]

1 07, 2021

Illegal building structures

2021-11-26T16:12:46+10:00July 1st, 2021|Dangerous structures, Illegal structures|Comments Off on Illegal building structures

How illegal building structures can cost you dearly and how to avoid.  Why you must not ignore illegal building structures and how to deal with them, QBIS. If Council search results prove that structures on a property have been built without their approval. The following suggestions may help you in avoiding potentially costly mistakes. [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof’s with defects causing leaking

2021-11-26T16:19:46+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof’s with defects causing leaking

Roof defects, problems they cause and recommended rectification   Roof's with defects causing leaking and how to alleviate. QBIS. Unsuitable roof sheeting with improper securing and inadequate box gutter. Roof sheeting has been secured through lower sections and not the ribs, this has caused consistent leaking around screws. An undersized box gutter has been fitted, [...]

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