
2 07, 2021

Non-disclosure of termite damage

2021-11-23T06:28:55+10:00July 2nd, 2021|Termites, Tips for sellers|Comments Off on Non-disclosure of termite damage

Non-disclosure of termite damage. How non-disclosure of termite damage can affect a the sale of a house and how to potentially help achieve a sale. QBIS.  Also learn why it is so important for sellers and agents being upfront with prospective buyers regarding major problems. In the majority of cases this is likely to [...]

1 07, 2021

Coverup of termite damage

2021-08-30T16:37:28+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Coverup of termite damage

Home owner exposed trying to cover-up termite damage. Exposing home owner/seller coverup of termite damage to roof. QBIS. These unscrupulous home owners were exposed by Peter weddell in his inspection where the sellers attempted to cover-up termite damage to the roof frame. When exposed they claimed the damaged timber had been replaced by a [...]

1 07, 2021

Termite entry points

2021-08-28T06:44:55+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Termite entry points

Common termite entry points to sub-floor of houses. Some examples of potential termite entry points. QBIS. This was a large exposed deck and house without termite barriers, also insufficient clearances between the soil and timber. Because of limited access to work under, a substantial amount of money would be required to prevent termites from [...]

1 07, 2021

Benefits of disclosing termite damage

2021-11-26T14:13:30+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites, Tips for sellers|Comments Off on Benefits of disclosing termite damage

Learn how a home seller benefited by disclosing termite damage to a buyer. Benefits of disclosing termite damage. An important factor in helping the sale of this property go through smoothly, in a recent building inspection carried out by Peter Weddell. QBIS. This shows the importance of seller and agent disclosure that helped this previously [...]

1 07, 2021

Termites & treated timber fallacies

2021-11-26T15:05:58+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Termites & treated timber fallacies

Be aware and don't be conned into believing that termites will not damage treated timber. Misleading fallacies of treated timber & termites. QBIS. Termite damage to treated hardwood retaining wall. A good example of what to expect. This treated hardwood retaining wall was no match against termites and has been destroyed. Termites are [...]

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