
2 07, 2021

Asbestos in buildings

2021-08-15T14:52:35+10:00July 2nd, 2021|Asbestos|Comments Off on Asbestos in buildings

Awareness of Asbestos in buildings and dangers. Asbestos in buildings. Just a few examples of materials that contained Asbestos that were commonly used in the building industry around Brisbane until the mid 1990's. QBIS. Old garage with Asbestos roof and wall linings.  Asbestos in the form of corrugated and flat fibro sheeting attached [...]

2 07, 2021

Movement of new stumps

2021-11-24T16:03:19+10:00July 2nd, 2021|Stump Movement, Sub-floor structure components|Comments Off on Movement of new stumps

Movement of new stumps. Movement of new stumps. Although the timber stumps were relatively recently fitted to support this traditional Queenslander house. The floor of two levels was sloping in different directions either from movement or poor fitting of the stumps. QBIS. As you can see these stumps are relatively new. The floor structure [...]

2 07, 2021

Inadequate roof truss support

2021-11-30T11:00:11+10:00July 2nd, 2021|Building design faults, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Inadequate roof truss support

Learn how inadequate roof truss support can be potentially dangerous. Dangerous inadequate roof truss support. QBIS. Wrong method of support: This is not the correct way to support and secure roof trusses at the junction of a hipped roof. Top chords of the hip trusses should have extended over the supporting truncated/girder truss. Bottom [...]

1 07, 2021

Faults with new houses from poor work

2021-11-24T16:06:43+10:00July 1st, 2021|Building design faults, New house problems|Comments Off on Faults with new houses from poor work

New houses can also have faults from poor workmanship. New houses with faults from poor work. Flashing missing from above this window awning will allow seepage to cause rot to the awning and possibly to the wall and timber of the window frame. QBIS. Easy fix: Fit flashing that extends up and behind the [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof inspection importance

2021-11-24T16:10:47+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof inspection importance

Learn how building inspectors can cost you money if they do not access a roof. Learn the importance of a roof inspection and how it may potentially save you money in renegotiation and compensation if faults are identified. QBIS. A badly damaged roof not identified by previous building inspector. This roof was damaged [...]

1 07, 2021

Paving movement causing damage

2021-08-24T18:34:47+10:00July 1st, 2021|New house problems, Paving movement|0 Comments

Paving movement can cause costly damage to sewer pipes. Learn why paving movement is causing damage to sewer pipes. Anything incorporated within paving can be damaged from its movement. Usually sewer or plumbing pipes.  This can be rectified by creating enough clearance between pipes and concrete. This will allow further movement without causing damage [...]

1 07, 2021

Buildings over boundaries

2021-11-25T05:44:58+10:00July 1st, 2021|Boundary survey importance|Comments Off on Buildings over boundaries

Buildings and their proximity to the boundaries was questionable in the Bracken Ridge area. Buildings over boundaries. QBIS. As you can see in this photo the roof gutters of these new buildings are overlapping. Fences are not an accurate indication of boundary locations. Fences indicated in photo above (arrows). This Google map shows [...]

1 07, 2021

Coverup of termite damage

2021-08-30T16:37:28+10:00July 1st, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Coverup of termite damage

Home owner exposed trying to cover-up termite damage. Exposing home owner/seller coverup of termite damage to roof. QBIS. These unscrupulous home owners were exposed by Peter weddell in his inspection where the sellers attempted to cover-up termite damage to the roof frame. When exposed they claimed the damaged timber had been replaced by a [...]

1 07, 2021

Concealed boxgutter causing defects

2021-08-26T17:56:45+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof leaking, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Concealed boxgutter causing defects

Boxgutter causing serious defects and how to overcome them.  Learn how concealed boxgutter causing defects can affect your house and how to rectify. QBIS.  Damage caused by concealed box gutters overflowing. Combination of the box gutter being undersize, lack of relief holes also insufficient number of down-pipe outlets is causing numerous problems to [...]

1 07, 2021

Leaking roof’s around Brisbane

2021-11-30T11:36:00+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Leaking roof’s around Brisbane

Common places for roof leaking to occur. Learn about leaking roof's around Brisbane. QBIS. These are examples why you would use Peter Weddell for your next Building Inspection in Brisbane. Someone that is prepared to access the roof exterior for a thorough inspection! Ph: 3222 4383. Chimney's will leak if not correctly flashed: [...]

1 07, 2021

Garage conversions & associated problems

2021-11-25T05:57:28+10:00July 1st, 2021|Garage conversions to living areas, High-set vs 2 storey house|Comments Off on Garage conversions & associated problems

Learn why it is not a good idea to convert a garage into a living area. Garage conversions & associated problems. Some examples of what happens when garages are converted to something they were never intended to be. QBIS. Ceiling heights are only part of many important reasons why garages are not suitable for [...]

1 07, 2021

Inadequate clearances causing dry-rot

2021-11-25T05:59:03+10:00July 1st, 2021|Dry rot|Comments Off on Inadequate clearances causing dry-rot

Why it is important to know how inadequate clearances cause dry-rot. Learn how inadequate clearances causing dry-rot can affect the health of people living in houses also how it can be fixed.  QBIS. Experienced building inspectors must identify dry-rot and its causes to allow for rectification and prevent other problems developing. Learn how [...]

1 07, 2021

Seepage above unit garage

2021-11-25T06:04:38+10:00July 1st, 2021|Seepage, Unit problems|Comments Off on Seepage above unit garage

Improper method of correcting deterioration to concrete slab. Seepage through slab above a unit garage causing damage to concrete. QBIS. Inspection of a unit complex common area identified this serious problem of seepage causing concrete to deteriorate. The underground garages have a concrete slab above them with grass and soil over the top. [...]

1 07, 2021

Costly FREE building reports

2021-11-25T16:35:34+10:00July 1st, 2021|Auction-buying traps, Before employing a building inspector, Costly "free" seller-vendor inspection reports, Dangers of buying property over the internet!|Comments Off on Costly FREE building reports

FREE building reports that can cost you considerably with their omissions. BE WARNED, about costly FREE building reports. Discount the following advice at YOUR PERIL or you are likely to suffer the consequences!  QBIS. Just a few photos of problems omitted from a "free" vendors (seller) report, the ones agents handout to unsuspecting buyers [...]

1 07, 2021

Leaking around window in shower

2021-11-25T17:19:40+10:00July 1st, 2021|Building design faults, New house problems|Comments Off on Leaking around window in shower

Window within shower leaking from poor location and size. Leaking around window in shower. QBIS. With some thought this problem would have been avoided during renovations.  Potential for leaking around window. Seepage is very likely to occur around this window situated within a shower outlet of a newly built home, regardless of how [...]

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