
2 07, 2020

High-set house sold as 2 storey house

2021-08-15T18:48:59+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Garage conversions to living areas, High-set vs 2 storey house, Illegal structures, Rooms not suitable for habitation|Comments Off on High-set house sold as 2 storey house

High-set house being sold as 2 storey house. Misleading advertised high-set house sold as 2 storey house.  The house did not comply with Building Code requirements for habitable area use. QBIS. This high-set house that was supposedly converted to a 2 storey house, according to the agents brochure. The house had been inspected by [...]

2 07, 2020

Ceiling sheets sagging

2021-08-15T18:50:42+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Ceilings sagging, Sagging ceilings|Comments Off on Ceiling sheets sagging

Ceiling sheets sagging. Ceiling sheets sagging.  QBIS. Large gap between the ceiling sheeting and where it should be secured, to bottom chord of a roof truss. This sheeting is sagging beyond re-securing and would require replacing. This approximately 3 year old house, north of Brisbane with ceiling linings sagging much more than usual (some [...]

2 07, 2020

Rotting timber stumps

2021-11-29T15:10:03+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Stump Movement|Comments Off on Rotting timber stumps

Rotting timber stumps. Rotting timber stumps. QBIS. Concrete is often poured around bases of old rotten and termite damaged stumps to conceal damage. The first photo shows a timber stump that at first glance appears to be in reasonable condition, but the next closeup photo tells a different story, by showing the true condition [...]

2 07, 2020

Importance of roof maintenance

2021-08-15T18:53:28+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Roof leaking, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Importance of roof maintenance

Importance of roof maintenance. Importance of roof maintenance. Lead flashing to this split level section of a roof covers the tiles sufficiently. But the side laps do not have enough cover which is causing leaking in this location. QBIS. Close observation to the lap of the flashing shows insufficient cover to its side. Problem: The [...]

2 07, 2020

Danger of dry-rot below a home

2021-08-15T18:54:59+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Dry rot|Comments Off on Danger of dry-rot below a home

Dry rot danger below a home. Danger of dry-rot below a home. Significant deterioration to sub-floor structure and flooring below a home in Holland Park, from seepage, pooling of  water also insufficient ventilation. QBIS. Mould is also forming to timber of this sub-floor area causing deterioration.  Due to lack of appropriate ventilation and insufficient [...]

2 07, 2020

Queenslander style house faults

2021-08-15T18:56:40+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Building movement, Dangers of buying property over the internet!, Deck & veranda problems, Stump Movement|Comments Off on Queenslander style house faults

Faults with a queenslander style of house. Extensive and significant faults identified in a Queenslander style house in Ipswich. QBIS. Inspection of a property in the Ipswich area for an interstate buyer that had not seen the property apart from photos posted on the internet. Fortunately the client had the common sense not to accept [...]

2 07, 2020

Insufficient ventilation causing dry-rot

2021-08-15T18:58:31+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Dry rot, Sub-floor ventilation|Comments Off on Insufficient ventilation causing dry-rot

Insufficient ventilation causing dry-rot. Insufficient ventilation causing dry-rot. We go where others don't!   QBIS. Deteriorating timber. Mould Mould is forming on the sub-floor timber structure and flooring due to insufficient ground clearance and inadequate ventilation. This is causing dry rot damage to timber and can potentially cause health problems with inhabitants of the house. [...]

2 07, 2020

Understated roof problems

2021-11-27T15:50:37+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Roof Problems, Understated Inspection Reports|Comments Off on Understated roof problems

Roof problems that were understated in a building inspection report. Understated roof problems. QBIS. This roof of a two storey house, according to the selling agent was “passed” in a previous building inspection! Importance of photos to bring roof problems to you Armed with photos and a detailed report my client decided to terminate [...]

2 07, 2020

Bad design for a roof

2021-08-15T19:01:25+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Building design faults, New house problems|Comments Off on Bad design for a roof

Roof design fault that will cause premature rusting of sheeting. Bad design for a roof. QBIS. This is one of the most stupid ideas for a roof I have come across, due to the method of construction being back the front. Bad design for a roof: Roof sheets overhanging the gable ends are supported [...]

2 07, 2020

Roof problems above a new house

2021-11-27T15:52:55+10:00July 2nd, 2020|New house problems, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof problems above a new house

Roof problems above new house. Roof problems above a new house. These separating roof truss gang nails have occurred to the roof structure of a house, less than 4 years old, not good! QBIS. The truss manufacturer claimed it was the builders fault, the builder said it was the manufacturers fault, the battle goes [...]

2 07, 2020

Rising-damp and seepage to an apartment

2021-08-15T19:04:44+10:00July 2nd, 2020|New unit problems, Poor methods of construction, Rising Damp, Seepage|Comments Off on Rising-damp and seepage to an apartment

Apartment with rising damp and seepage issue. Rising-damp and seepage to an apartment. Seepage & rising damp has occurred through retaining walls located on two boundaries of this apartment property. QBIS. The walls where retaining soil were not  appropriately drained and waterproofed, during their construction. Access to rectify the problem could not be achieved [...]

2 07, 2020

Defective roof trusses

2021-11-27T16:18:03+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Dangerous structures, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Defective roof trusses

Learn about these defective roof trusses that are a potential danger. Dangerous defective roof trusses. QBIS. Separation of gang-nail plate and bottom chord, above the supporting roof beam. Separation of a gang-nail plate attached to junction of top and bottom Chords of the roof trusses. The roof truss gang nail plates (securing's that hold [...]

2 07, 2020

Rusted columns supporting a house

2022-02-18T16:21:24+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Rusting supporting columns|Comments Off on Rusted columns supporting a house

Rusted columns supporting a house. Rusted columns supporting a house. QBIS.  Problem: Additional concrete has been poured over rusted sections of these steel columns. This is not a good idea, further rusting of the columns is causing the concrete to crack (from corners of the columns) Preferable rectification: Remove the rusted columns and its [...]

2 07, 2020

Differences between 2 storey & high-set houses

2021-12-03T06:41:00+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Garage conversions to living areas, High-set vs 2 storey house, Rooms not suitable for habitation|Comments Off on Differences between 2 storey & high-set houses

Learn what the differences are between a 2 storey and high-set house. Differences between 2 storey & high-set houses. A typical high-set house. QBIS. The following photos show indications of seepage and rising damp to single and double brick walls (no cavity) of high-set houses. These problems are the reasons why high-set houses are [...]

2 07, 2020

New Unit construction design faults

2021-08-15T19:11:43+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Building design faults, New unit problems|Comments Off on New Unit construction design faults

Design faults with new Unit construction. New Unit construction design faults. QBIS. New unit, that has never been occupied. Problems: No flashing or awning above window will allow seepage and rot to occur. Architraves around window without proper flashing for protection will rot. This is a very common problem, but poor building practice, in [...]

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