Roof Problems

1 07, 2021

Undersized box gutters

2021-11-26T10:02:09+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Undersized box gutters

How undersized box gutters can cause damage.  What you need to know about undersized Box gutters, their impact and how to overcome their problems. QBIS. Problems with undersized box gutter and this roof. Roof sheeting was too short. Gutter was secured where water travels Rotting of the ceiling linings below indicate the gutter [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof tiles painted and peeling

2021-11-26T10:57:47+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems, Roof tile coating problems|Comments Off on Roof tiles painted and peeling

Some examples of an expensive roof tile coating job gone wrong. Be warned: These roof tiles were peeling not long after being painted. QBIS. These coated roof tiles were PEELING after only three months! The firm that coated this roof demanded a considerable amount of cash before coating this roof. They could not be [...]

1 07, 2021

Sagging of roof gable overhang

2021-11-27T15:37:36+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Sagging of roof gable overhang

Causes of roof gable overhang to sag. Learn why sagging of a roof gable overhang occurs and how to alleviate before it develops into a more serious problem. QBIS. Poor method of supporting a gable overhang causing it to sag. I would not recommend this method of supporting a gable overhang in roof [...]

1 07, 2021

Faults with roof

2021-11-26T12:44:41+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof leaking, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Faults with roof

Roof faults and associated problems they cause. What you need to know about faults with a roof and what to do about it. QBIS. Roof fault of sealant applied to sides of sheeting Definite indication of roof leaking on a regular basis. Consistent leaking of roof's is a major concern for causing rot to [...]

1 07, 2021

Leaking roof valley damage

2021-11-27T17:38:09+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof leaking, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Leaking roof valley damage

Leaking roofs causing damage and what to look for. Leaking roof valley damage. Learn how roofs leaking causing damage can be fixed.  Roofs leaking causing damage Leaking roof causing damage to a newly built house. Consistent leaking from a roof valley to a 5 year old house causing rot to some roofing [...]

1 07, 2021

Faults with roof and danger

2021-11-27T17:33:46+10:00July 1st, 2021|Dangerous roof structures, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Faults with roof and danger

Dangerous roof structure and practical solutions regarding rectification. Faults with roof and danger. Potentially dangerous roof. These roof trusses are sagging considerably with separation of gang-nail plates (securings to joints between the web member and the top chord of the truss). QBIS This very serious problem was unknown to the home owner/seller and required immediate [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof rusting from gutter guards

2021-11-26T15:34:49+10:00July 1st, 2021|Gutter guards, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof rusting from gutter guards

Learn how the use of gutter guards can cause rusted roof sheeting and its costly replacement. Roof rusting from gutter guards. These examples were taken from different areas of a roof showing examples of why it is not a good idea to have gutter guards fitted to a corrugated zincalume roof. QBIS. Debris [...]

1 07, 2021

Metal tile roof damage

2021-11-26T15:47:51+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Metal tile roof damage

Learn about metal tile roof damage and more suitable alternatives Damage to metal tile roof cladding. A roof with extensive surface deterioration, possibly caused by damage from hail over the years. QBIS.  Severe damage to a metal tiled roof. Some damage caused by age and most likely from hail damage over many years. [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof flashing examples

2021-11-26T15:56:30+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof flashing examples

Learn about roof flashing's. Examples of roof flashing. This is a photo of two flashing's that have been fitted to cover the gap created between the concrete roof tiles and the external brick wall to stop water entry to the house interior.  This is the main purpose of most roof flashing's. QBIS. Stepped [...]

1 07, 2021

Rusted roofs around Brisbane

2021-11-26T16:26:00+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Rusted roofs around Brisbane

Rusted roofs and the importance of regular checking. Rusted roofs around Brisbane, problems they can cause, tips on how to maintain your roof and what to look for. These photos show how important it is to employ someone trusted to check the roof exterior. QBIS. Long term problems rusted roof sheeting and inadequate [...]

1 07, 2021

Roof’s with defects causing leaking

2021-11-26T16:19:46+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Roof’s with defects causing leaking

Roof defects, problems they cause and recommended rectification   Roof's with defects causing leaking and how to alleviate. QBIS. Unsuitable roof sheeting with improper securing and inadequate box gutter. Roof sheeting has been secured through lower sections and not the ribs, this has caused consistent leaking around screws. An undersized box gutter has been fitted, [...]

1 07, 2021

Badly constructed roof

2021-11-27T15:20:30+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Badly constructed roof

Learn how a roof badly constructed can affect you. And how a badly constructed roof can be fixed. QBIS. No supporting prop to end of an under-purlin (horizontal beam fitted to midway point between the external wall and peak of the roof). This can be supported with a beam supported off the external wall [...]

1 07, 2021

Barap bolts & roof support

2021-11-27T15:43:00+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems|Comments Off on Barap bolts & roof support

Learn how Barap Bolts were used to support roof structures in difficult situations. How Barap bolts & roof support were an essential part of roof construction in the 70's. QBIS. What is a Barap bolt? A metal rod with a thread at each end. Fitted through one or two u shaped bracket located [...]

1 07, 2021

Sagging roof

2021-11-27T16:22:03+10:00July 1st, 2021|Roof Problems, Roofs sagging|Comments Off on Sagging roof

Learn how a sagging roof can be a danger to home owners. Sagging roof danger and economical means of rectification. QBIS. Considerable sagging to corner of roof (hip) due to insufficient support to part of the roof structure. Inadequate support below a roof structure. Props supporting this under-purlin (horizontal timber member, between the [...]

2 07, 2020

Building fallacies and roof structures

2021-11-27T15:32:08+10:00July 2nd, 2020|Building fallacies, Dangerous roof structures, Roof Problems|Comments Off on Building fallacies and roof structures

Roof structures and old building fallacies. Building fallacies and roof structures.  QBIS. The above photo shows an inadequately supported roof structure. "They don't build them like they used too" A potentially dangerous excuse for problems in old buildings. This was typical construction for tiled roof's of houses built in Brisbane around the 1940's through [...]

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