
2 07, 2021

Flooding effects around Brisbane

2021-11-20T15:55:09+10:00July 2nd, 2021|Flooding & effects|Comments Off on Flooding effects around Brisbane

Learn about flooding around Brisbane and how it may affect buildings. Flooding effects around Brisbane. QBIS. Some periods of flooding around Brisbane. Predominantly, severe flooding has occurred in 1887-1893, 1908, 1931, 1974 and more recently in 2011 & 2013. Another type is localized flooding that occurs much more often and possibly on a number [...]

1 07, 2021

Flooding of an apartment garage

2021-09-25T14:42:28+10:00July 1st, 2021|Drainage problems, Flooding & effects, Seepage, Unit problems|Comments Off on Flooding of an apartment garage

Common fault with flooding of apartment garages. What you need to know about flooding of an apartment garage also steps you need to take. QBIS.  Inadequate drainage to garages of apartment complex. The sub-floor level garages of this unit building were below the ground levels on all four sides also below the flood [...]

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