
7 12, 2021

What do scope and limitations mean in a building inspection report?

2021-12-07T14:33:18+10:00December 7th, 2021||Comments Off on What do scope and limitations mean in a building inspection report?

These are set requirements of insurers to make buyers aware of what the building inspector can and cannot cover in their building inspection report also outlining limitations of the report. Scope and limitations are available to clients upon request.

6 12, 2021

Who decides if the building inspection has passed or failed?

2021-12-07T14:33:20+10:00December 6th, 2021||Comments Off on Who decides if the building inspection has passed or failed?

You! No building inspector has the right to give a pass or failure. Their role is to identify problems and if necessary, guide and compare the results with other buildings of its age and type also to put things in perspective.

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