Leaking from roof above a new apartment.
Roof leak above a new apartment. QBIS.
Problem with leaking:
Copious amount of sealant have been applied between the roof flashing’s and sheeting indicates leaking has occurred from this roof, most likely on a number of occasions.
Recommended rectification:
The flashing’s were removed and replaced with wider and properly fitted ones, this eliminated the problem.
A considerable amount of sealant has been applied to this relatively new roof above a unit in Bulimba near the Brisbane river.
This is only masking the problem for the short term, not fixing it.
Water has pooled to top side of the exhaust vent, this will allow for further leaking and premature rusting.
Roof leaking above new unit, recommended rectification:
A modified flashing would be required to allow the water to flow around the vent,
Important note:
Sealant breaks down from UV, it may also crack from different rates of expansion and contraction between the flashing’s and roof sheeting.