Learn how the use of gutter guards can cause rusted roof sheeting and its costly replacement.
Roof rusting from gutter guards. These examples were taken from different areas of a roof showing examples of why it is not a good idea to have gutter guards fitted to a corrugated zincalume roof. QBIS.
Debris above gutter guards causing roof sheeting to rust.
Although the purpose of gutter guards to to stop debris within the gutter and stop need for constant cleaning and premature rusting of gutters. It has caused a greater expense, rusting of roof sheeting. Debris (that can never be cleared) also occurring below gutter guard and cause rusting of the gutters.
Percieved convenience of gutter guards causing rust can prove to be costly.
For inconvenience of having to keep roof gutters clear of debris, fitting of gutter guards has caused a greater expense. It is better to have gutters cleared on a regular basis. Employ a professional to do the job as it can be dangerous, especially with a two-storey house.
Other problems caused by gutter guards:
- Debris below gutter guards that cannot be cleared, causing premature of gutters.
- Consistent overflowing.
- Blocking of stormwater
- Rusting downpipes.
- Rot to eave mouldings, fascia-boards and concealed timber of eaves.
- Potential water entry to interior of the house (if roof has no eave).
Any of the above can be costly items to have rectified.
Recommendations to how to avoid rusting of roof sheeting, gutters and other problems:
- Regular inspections of roof sheeting, gutters, valleys, skylights, solar panels for accumulation of debris.
- Check stormwater system for blocking and/or damage from tree roots.
- Fit more and/or larger down-pipes.
- Fit more and/or larger stormwater pipes that exit to the street (where possible).
- Fit rain heads.
How to maintain your roof:
- Check your roof and gutters on a regular basis and clear them of debris.
- Employ a professional to have the roof checked and cleared, regularily.
Do not forget, it is far more expensive to replace roof sheeting than the roof gutters.
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